Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Finally took the time to look at my Ultrasound report...


1. Adnexal abnormalities consistent with extensive endometriosis.
2. Uterine findings consistent with adenomyosis.


Ha. That explains a lot! (Like why I can hardly stand to wear pants that touch my lower abdomen these days, even though I've lost weight.) Adenomyosis: A severe type of Endometriosis that affects the Uterus.
Well. The crazy thing is, as much discomfort as I've been in, and changes I've noticed, I didn't really pay attention. I probably wouldn't have bothered to mention it or ask for the ultrasound if I wasn't actually trying to prove that I was sick. I'm so used to feeling awful, I hardly notice it anymore when new things come up or get worse. I just do the best I can to cope with it and enjoy the time when I don't have to.

Will have to do more research later, tired now. But so grateful I don't want biological kids, because if I did, I think I'd be really stressed/upset right now. Reading the report from my surgery, it actually says my uterus was okay back then. But now, from the little reading I've done, doesn't sound like it!

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