Saturday, October 8, 2011


Another thing to get checked out. I get nauseous, sick to my stomach, and generally miserable after eating a lot of the time. (ie POTS symptoms exacerbated, GERD, the lovely bloating, having to lie down after eating...kinda cramps my style anytime I actually get to go out and eat!) I haven't worried much about getting it looked into more closely, because I figured it was just the virus and kinda got the impression nothing can be done, plus I have so many symptoms a lot of times I just don't pay attention anymore, just take it day by day. I guess it's not good that lately I can't live without Ginger for the nausea, and more and more times I'm tempted to just live on liquids...Plus I may not be absorbing nutrients properly (might explain all the deficiencies and weird blood sugar/cholesterol results I've been having the past couple of years, too). Guess it's time...

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