Saturday, October 22, 2011

Fabulous Article on Pacing

Although I just tried it, and all that happened when I decided to stop after 20 minutes or so to rest, is that I ended up feeling too tired to get back up! Ah well, I did clear up the living room and some of my room. But what I really, really need to do is vacuum...if I want to sleep in that master bedroom. (I sprinkled carpet powder on it a few weeks back, and if I don't vacuum it up first it's likely to make my allergies attack.) Hmm...Little Engine that Could is playing in my head...(I think I can I think I can...) While I attempt to convince my body it wants to get up, here is a great article from the amazing Adrienne Dellwo on Pacing for CFS & FM, which in truth, is a good idea. After all, that's how I got enough dishes done last night to eat breakfast AND lunch in, woohoo! That and a glass of While you're there, check out her articles on Stress, Acceptance, and Grieving for those with FM/CFS! I wish I could have found these articles a couple of years back!


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