Saturday, April 9, 2011

Now for the Science

Have a couple of interesting articles I wanted to share.

One is basically, as far as I can tell with my current attention/concentration span, about viruses, and how they can get into your brain and affect different parts of your neurological system, and how once they get in you, you're pretty much stuck with them, and if you're lucky your body can keep them at bay, if not... (I didn't say it was good news!) I think it might also explain my developing what seems much like ADD (when I was trying to clean the other day, I realized that part of the reason I seemed to be getting nowhere is that I couldn't focus! I'd go in one room, pick something up, on my way to the trash, see something else, start doing that, get distracted...ugh! Plus the memory problems...what was I doing again?)

Oh yeah, so here THAT is:

Encephalomyelitis Is an Unusual Complication of Infection with Encephalitic Viruses

That posted, it occurs to me to ask...anyone else taking reverse transcriptase inhibiting anti-virals who wears contacts notice any yucky stuff coming off with them? It's like protein build-up, when you take them out you can see clear little squigglies like oil residue floating in the case...I'm guessing possibly some waste product from the cells that can't duplicate the viral RNA because of it? Funny thing is, I had it when I was on that Guaifenesin Protocol as well...I think that's when I got the idea it might be protein, but this stuff is way worse, doesn't just make them gooky, it makes them stiff & unwearable way faster than usual. That or phosphates. I'm sure that all sounds totally whacky to anyone who hasn't experienced it, but it's been bugging me, and I keep forgetting to write it down to ask the doctor.

The other article is titled: Increased plasma peroxides as a marker of oxidative stress in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS).

Basically what I can glean from that is that a symptom specific to CFS is that we are oxidizing faster than the average person, which as you can guess if you're a user of anti-aging skin creams, is probably not a good thing. Does it mean we're aging faster? (The reason for all my grey hair?) Not sure. But I'm pretty sure it does mean our bodies in general are going downhill faster. Cells, organs, tissues...all getting worn out and dying and having to be replaced faster...yup, that sounds kinda bad. (Although I think I may be missing a key point unless I point out that perhaps they are thinking this could lead to a diagnostic test of some kind? I would think lots of diseases lead to oxidative stress though, no?) I could be wrong, I'm not a doctor of any kind, after all, but I think I'm gonna have myself an extra serving of Goji berries, just in case... (My brother got on an unexpected health kick after watching a documentary about how crappy our food is these days, and got me into them. He says that besides giving him an energy boost and being amongst the best anti-oxidants known to man, they keep him regular. Ah, the things that begin to matter when you are quickly approaching thirty! Hang in there little brother it's gonna be's surprising the things your body throws at you to let you know you are definitely not a kid anymore, but'll be ok.)

So eat your Goji Berries boys and girls! Even if you don't need to be regular, the anti-oxidants can't hurt. And I think they do give you a little kick. :)

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