Monday, August 24, 2009

Roller Girl

Ah. The day I discovered the foam roll...I was sooo happy. The YMCA trainer was showing me how to use it to stretch out my thighs, but my back got jealous (like it does when I put Banalg pain cream on my arms or hands) and I swear it was practically crying out, "Now me, me, me!"

And it was RIGHT. I lay down on it, knees bent, and just rolled up and down.
That first time, my back cracked and I felt something falling back into the place where it should've been. It was a GLORIOUS feeling. Who would have thought it'd be so easy to give yourself a back massage? Plus, rolling it under the fronts of my felt like the muscles were so tight, they'd been meshed together in knots, and the rolling action worked it all out...My body was thanking me.

And the trainer was right. I've had this thing, where if I try and do the recumbent bike, within a couple of minutes, my thigh muscles lock up into a cramp-spasm type thing where I can barely walk. No amount of stretching ever seemed to help. But that magic little foam roller? Voila!

So here's a link to an article about using foam rolls and other PT aids for exercise even a weakling like me can do!

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