Friday, June 29, 2012

Out on a Limb

I had some friends come over today to help me get some packing done. I think they were worried I was in a serious state of denial about my upcoming err...relocation because they kept asking when they could come, but when they were gone I was so, so grateful! Help is hard to come by when you are sick, not elderly, don't have a religious affiliation, or a social life. So feeling really lucky!

I was winding down from that (it did require a bit of pushing myself, and I think I got my adrenaline up, because as exhausted and shaky as I felt, I also felt really amped) I made a compromise between my body & mind and lay down to check my e-mail, and I found this link in an e-mail in my newly created "Travel Folder" for this contest: Win 100,000 miles from U.S. Airways . So I entered, and shared, and liked and got my entries...and then I decided to check out the Gift Registry option. I'd vaguely seen it in passing on their website before, but never got around to looking at it closely. Besides, my dabbles in fund-raising in the past have never amounted to usual, people don't seem to comprehend what this illness has done to my life, they see me smiling in pictures, not looking particularly sick, or maybe they just have too much going on in their own lives, or whatever. But really, once I saw the gift registry form, it seemed silly not to try it. It can't hurt, right? I am running out of time after all. I need a place to go, miles to get there with, and as I've mentioned, it pretty much is my dream to be able to travel to another country for more affordable healthcare (not to mention rent). After all, the other alternative means either sleeping in my car, or couch surfing, all anxiety-ridden pushing myself to my limits in fear people who usually only see me for a couple-a few hours at a time don't think I'm lazy or wimpy...or torn between that and not wanting people to see me be sick and wimpy... So here goes nothing...Here's to hoping for High-dose Vitamin C IVs, Myer's Cocktails, and all the other alternative therapies (including R&R) that are affordable in the 3rd world!
Hoping to Heal M.E.'s U.S. Airways Gift Registry

P.S.~ I also get extra entries for that contest if you click on the other link, so feel free to share it: Win 100,000 miles from U.S. Airways

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