Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Surviving Showers & Kitchens

All I have to say, is BLESS you Adrienne Dellwo. Any time there's even seemingly obscure facet of living with FM or CFS that makes me feel ridiculous and wonder if I'm the only one, she writes an article on it. Not just that, but her articles are well researched, and authorititave.

Tonight, I was thinking jeez, this is so ridiculous, why does it take me so long to get everything done? I can't even rest properly, I go till I can't stand it then I lie down when I can't stand the fatigue/and/or pain anymore, but half the time I get up before I feel all the way better, so I do a bit more, and repeat. And I wonder why it's so hard for me to find a moment to return calls. Everything must be prioritized. Dinner must be eaten, therefore it must be cooked. Even eating wears me out. Little things. Taking out the trash. Cat's litter must be cleaned. Heart's pounding; medication must be taken.

As for showers: I'm lucky it doesn't seem to be that difficult for me lately, because there have been times when just standing there seems like too much, and I'd give my left foot for one of those shower chairs. I almost don't even shave my legs in the shower anymore, my balance is awful and I'm afraid I'll hurt myself. But still, once I get out, the first thing I do once I'm either wrapped in towels or dressed,is lie down! And like it says in the article, there's the temperature thing. In the summertime, I HAVE to have the A/C on after I shower, or else it's useless. And if I have to use a hair dryer or iron, ugh. I may still overheat. Part of the reason I stopped trying to go out to meet people. I get so tired just getting ready... It gets so old and exhausting trying to manage SO many little things. Ah, this is starting to feel a bit whiny. I'll just post the links now, lol.



1 comment:

  1. It kinda sounds like you might be in a crash. I hope you start to feeling better soon. Hang in there.


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