Thursday (I think) Friday and Saturday were GREAT days. I guess I can't quite say I felt normal, but close enough to it that I'd take it any time if it's the best I could get to it. I ran errands. Lots and lots of errands. Mostly involving groceries.
I started my cat on raw foods, because I'm afraid she might be sick, she's been overweight for ages, no matter what diet food I've tried, and she's getting up there in years. First thing I saw when I Googled holistic treatments for cats was feeding a raw diet, and I'd wanted to do that years ago anyways, only I only had a mini-fridge at the time w/not much of a freezer to keep the food in. She took to it really well, and as morbid as it seems, especially with my being a strict lacto-ovo vegetarian of 10+ years. But it just seems right. It's only been about 50 years or so since the barns they used to hunt mice in disappeared and fewer since they became relegated to yards, and now, indoors only, like my baby. I still remember the days when gifts of birds, mice, and lizards were left on our doormats as offerings from our little hunters...
So along with the obvious changes I've seen from changing my own diet to include more raw and unprocessed foods, it really seemed like the right thing to do for her.
As for me, I went a little buck-wild on the sweets this weekend. Week, actually! Oddly, that's when my energy went up. BUT, it also caused the worst flare up of my IC symptoms I've had since January or so. I really believe there's a tie-in between IC and Candida. Before I had it, when my mother was suffering from it, I found and had her doctor put her on a treatment that included Diflucan (an anti-fungal) for a few weeks, and tons of probiotics, and she's been far better off since. She also notices sugar seems to set it off. And while I was sticking stictly to the Body Ecology Diet, my IC symptoms were pretty much managed except for some premenstrual flare ups.
Well I started back on it, and I'm back to itching like crazy, like I did at the beginning (I'm assuming for die off of the candida fed by my sugar binges) and my energy has plummetted so much that I was just now having to remind myself to breathe because it seemed like so much effort...But I'm going to get back to business. I'd lost over ten pounds...and if I can stick with it eventually the detox will taper down and I hope to feel like I did the past few days for far longer!
Saturday I went to 3 different stores AND the beach! Maybe I'll post pictures later! :)
Ugh, I know exactly the feeling you're talking about with the breathing. I lie there and concentrate on breathing slowly, based on the idea that it takes less energy, the fewer breaths you take.
ReplyDeleteI'm really impressed that you were able to see such great results. I was, at one point, diagnosed with Candida. And I did feel better when I took out sugar (though emotionally, I was bereft) but I spent all my extra energy worrying about what in the hell I could eat. I'm not big on cooking, you see.
In the end, the annoyance and love of sugar won out. Though my essential tremor -- which stopped completely while on the diet -- came back worse than ever. Sigh.
I'm really glad to hear that you were able to get out and about. Frankly, I'm shocked you were able to do so much. (That's a big day for me, and I'm on energy meds.) It really attests to the efficacy of that diet.