Been so tired lately. My lady cycle has begun again, and I've been struggling badly for energy since a day or two before. I got to bed hours earlier than normal last night, and relatively early the night before, but I still woke up exhausted. I'm struggling right now, but I figured I might as well post as I try and wind down from the LOST finale :)
Anyhow, my first Reiki Treatment (well 2nd really, first in a couple of years, and with this practitioner)appointment was Friday evening, and it couldn't have come at a better time. (I might have mentioned it, but I found a Reiki Practitioner close by who works by donation, and got an appointment almost right away.) I was still tired afterwards, but it felt different. Before I felt exhausted, like gravity was pulling me down...after, I just felt really tired...but when I went to brace myself to hold myself up and will myself to move, I found a lightness and ease that made me have to stop and re-evaluate whether I was tired after all. I was, but it was definitely a different, much better form of tired. It made me wonder if this is how normal people feel when they're tired...
Anyhow, the treatment was amazing. I mean, nothing crazy, but my closed eyelids felt like a movie screen the lights I started seeing after she got started were so bright and vivid that I had to stop myself from opening my eyes because they felt like they were open, and I had a strong suspicion, that if I were to open them they would still be there. I saw the same as last time...Blue, Indigo, Purple, Fuschia...and then a very muted off white khaki tone swirling with a soft shade of pink, very odd.
I felt the energy too...Odd because, like last time, I'd swear I'd hear movement at one end of my body and yet feel the energy at another part.
Also, like last time, I felt a strange sensation in my hands, as if they were being held open and weighed down by something very, very heavy. Last time it felt like an energy ball or something. This time I could feel a tingling but most of all I felt the heaviness in my hands as if they were being pinned to the table. I don't think I could have moved them if I'd wanted to.
I opted to tell the practitioner nothing at the beginning, so it made it extra interesting to hear her observations at the end of the session. She said I had blockages in my Throat Chakra (which I expected) but also my Heart Chakra, and Pelvic Chakra. (Interesting in itself because my Endometriosis and Interstitial Cystitis were making themselves known that day. Her words were "something down here, like with your ovaries.") I looked up the Chakras she mentioned, and lo and behold, they correspond with the colors I saw! The colors for the Heart Chakra, the decription of which matches my issues perfectly, is actually Green and Pink!!!!
The Throat Chakra was the other Purple colors I saw.
I also got curious about the heavy hands thing, asked her, and she said that most people who say that end up becoming Reiki Practitioners themselves, so it seems to mean that one has a talent for it, which I had begun to suspect by the end of the session.
So, no crazy burst of energy, like last time, but definitely last exhausted. Prolonged one on one encounters with people I don't know well usually leave me a bit overstimulated, full of very nervous energy afterwards, but I only felt a little of that and overcame it very quickly. The most defined effect seems to be on my mood, outlook, and spirits. I feel calmer. I got some unpleasant news today which normally would have upset me to the core and revived all kinds of anger, hurt, and nasty feelings. It was (wonderfully) strange though. Intellectually, I was angry and upset by it. But I felt like I had some kind of emotional force-field around me keeping it out and away the vulnerable parts of myself. I vented, and then I let it go.
So anyhow, weekends like this, where I am SO excruciatingly fatigued, are usually really tough for me emotionally. (Thursday I almost drove myself to tears, I'd been doing so good at keeping up with tidying up, but I just couldn't do it at that point, with so little energy...not even cook, for myself...So getting through an entire weekend like that without getting bummed out is really something...)
SO anyhow, I hope this all makes sense, just wanted to share/document my experience w/the Reiki healing...I'd also like to post some research I found on Highly Sensitive Central Nervous Systems, but I think that'll have to wait till next time...until then... :)
I'll try anything and everything to deal with my CFS! Diet, nutrition, and yoga are doing wonders for me, looks like I'll have to add Reiki to the list. I have found that a lot of doctors don't really believe in CFS and they seem to think I was making it up, but the book "Beat Sugar Addiction Now!" is written by a doctor and he knows so much about it. I feel like I learned a lot about my own body just by reading the section on CFS, and it made me annoyed that no one had told me this before. I started reading the book because I thought it was a diet book and would maybe help me lose weight, and if I wasn't carrying around so much weight maybe I would feel better overall and be less achy. But it's actually a whole part on CFS is in it and I learned a lot about my hypothalamus that I never knew before. The information is good and smart science but not too hard to understand. You need to find help if you have what I have-so much pain it hurts to pull my shirt over my head or bend down to tie my shoes. I had to start wearing ugly crocs just because they were easier to put on and more comfortable, and that is not who I wanted to be-a fat person in unstylish shoes who has trouble getting in and out of the car. I feel like if I can find a doctor who will help me and I can do what it says in this book, I will get a lot better. It is written very convincingly and you can tell he knows what he's talking about. Plus he has a list to help you find doctors that treat CFS and I am ready to get treated and stop feeling like my nerves are exposed every time I move. Here's the website for Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum: