Got back test results from my visit to the doctor the other day. Turns out, I have a raging UTI. THAT'S what all that pain was about. Yay!
I thought it was odd that the Neurontin, which worked so amazingly last month, had no effect this month.
I also have no cavities. Contrary to my brother's girlfriend's dire prediction that I had a cavity that needed a root canal, the sensitivity is due to some dentin wearing away, and if I don't stop it, it will be a cavity. I've already switched to a toothpaste for sensitive teeth with fluoride though, so that should help, and I'm going to be more diligent about keeping my mouth moist. It dries up from some of the meds,common thing w/FM, used to constantly suck on Halls Breezers, but then discovered there's sugar in there...switched Xylitol mints (have TMJ so can't chew gum) but kept running out, so I bought myself a ton of them...
Had other tests come back not so conclusive, meaning further exams, but I won't get into that unless I need to. The whole cross that bridge when/if you come to it deal. I had a good day darnit, and I'm going to keep it that way.
I'm so tired, but it feels good. It's "normal people tired". Like, I had a full day and got a ton done and I'm drowsy and ready for bed tired. How often does THAT happen?
(In case you're new, not often. Usually it's more like, so exhausted I can hardly breathe but I can't relax much less sleep for the life of me. So this is a sweet deal.)
Off I go...
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