Ahh. So about two posts ago, I was wondering about what it would be like to be in really bad pain that didn't go away. I got the best glimpse of that I've had in awhile today.
I'd gotten my Neurontin filled, because I remembered how bad and unrelenting the cramping was last month, and it having occurred to me that maybe it was the pain amplification of FM making it hurt so bad, and my blood pressure being above normal (high) for about the first time I know of from the pain(usually too LOW) I decided to try some Neurontin. (My other painkillers were not doing the trick, and I figured if my blood pressure was that high, I wasn't being a baby, it really WAS that bad.)
And it worked, like magic. After constant dull nagging pain for 24 hours, it was like something went still, and I realized I was relaxing because I had no more pain!
So today I had to drive an hour to go to court over a ridiculous issue with a ticket.
Moderate pain all the way there. But once I got there...The Neurontin didn't work this time. I was contemplating how bad it was going to get and if it did get worse, which hospital would take me, since I have ER bills at about every hospital in that town. But I'd been waiting 4 months for that court date,driven all the way out there in pain, and I didn't know what would happen if I didn't appear...So I took one of every painkiller I had (which I've never done before, but desperate times...) and finally it let up, right about the time I was thinking I couldn't take any more.
Guess it's time to get back on the Nattokinase & Indole-3-carbinole...whether caused by a virus, or just another weird consequence of FM/CFS (I read that as high as 50% of women with these illnesses have Endometriosis as well) it's back, it hurts, and I have to stop it. My first surgery for it sucked, I don't want to do that again, or deal with the symptoms that made me have to get it. (Nausea, hot flashes, insanely bloated stomach, pain so bad I had to take Vicodin 24/7...I would actually wake up at 5-6am from the pain because the meds had worn off!I never get up that early! Go to bed,maybe but no wake UP!) Or these hellish periods. I have enough bad days.
On the up side, I was feeling a little loaded by the time I had to get to court. That thought does give me a little perverse joy (though it was pretty justifiable I think) especially after the judge being a jerk. Not that I condone that for myself or anyone, I hardly ever take heavy duty meds like that, or go out in public on them, but I had to be there...By the time I was called up, I was feeling okay. Up until the part where he ordered me to pay $583 bail (on a fix-it ticket I sent in on time that THEY lost) and come back for a trial in JUNE. (I thought he said January though.) Then I burst into tears. I'm just so tired of being made to jump through hoops by one branch of government or another...
Well, here's hoping the pain stays at bay long enough for me to get some sleep, so tired...and wishing I had a lawyer!Then I wouldn't even have to go probably. Screw judges.
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