Though I've slowed down in my incessant research for a cause and cure of FM/CFS (it's hard to live in the present when you're always looking to the future) this is one I've been wanting to explore for awhile, so finally, after a 4 month wait, after confirmation that I met the criteria and a referral from my rheumatologist, I got in to see a well-known specialist in CFS and Infectious Disease.
(Much of this is a repost from my MySpace Blog.)
Anyhow, instead of just wiping the virus/infection out w/the big guns once & for all, for some reason the infantry got sent in, and they keep dying cuz the infection's got the big guns/tanks, lol.
So he's got me trying a new treatment, which I am taking with a grain of salt, after all the past disappointments, and which I promised not to elaborate about.
If this works as expected theoretically, my allergies will go away too, cuz they're part of the TH2 response...Got activated for no good reason. (I devoloped some bizzare allergies last year, including to the cat I've had for 13 years, and outdoor allergies as well, causing me some serious sinus pain/headaches, the usual, itchy, watery eyes, and really scary asthma attacks. At one point I was so sensitive I was walking down an aisle at the supermarket and my eyes got so watery I couldn't see and looked like I was crying!)
Oh, incidentally, my viruses are in the group called Enteroviruses. Fascinatingly enough I had an awful case of food poisoning a month before I got too sick to work the first time...And that case of the stomach flu I had earlier this week? Fits exactly with the description of one of the viruses I tested positive for, to a T.
Here is a good article about viruses and CFS:
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