My self-esteem and confidence have suffered greatly, especially because I cannot keep meaningful employment, both because of the unpredictability of my health, and because of cognitive dysfunction challenges. Of course, the government is making me fight tooth and nail for any Social Security benefits.
At 30 years of age, instead of buying my first house, I had to make the choice to move in with my Dad; in a new town, away from my friends and all the vestiges of normalcy I had mustered the last couple of years. And this was a lucky thing, because otherwise, I may well be homeless right now.
I was starting get really down a few weeks ago, and started looking for some books on the PRACTICAL aspects of living with chronic illness. That's when I found this great book:
Living with Fibromyalgia addresses the practical reality of social and psychological aspects of getting on with your life with Fibro, from how to deal with friends and family, to taking care of yourself, energy planning, and work (if you can manage it).
Everyone should read it! Patients, AND families/loved ones. Check it out, hope it helps one of you as much as it has me!
You would really think doctors would recommend something practical like this...I can't help but think of the time I've wasted struggling to figure stuff out that I could have understood and dealt with so much better using tools like this book, and others I have read recently!
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