Monday, July 9, 2012

Spotted and still feverish...with strangers.

Yuck. Spots, spots everywhere.
(They look worse in person, but I gave up trying to do them justice.)

Taking a break. Just got back from escorting a nice Asian gentleman (I wish I could describe him further, but all I have are impressions, too dazed & tired) to the store to get change for a lamp that he bought from me. He'd come for my bed & fax, but changed his mind, and got the lamp, which I hadn't thought about selling, instead. And I didn't have change, so...we went to the store around the corner, and he told me there was something wrong with my car and described, pretty much, exactly what was wrong with it. (I know this, because I already knew all this.) Very warm fella, good energy, I found myself thinking as I walked back to my place. Then I realized my fever was back with the vengeance. I don't know if it's a prelude to delirium, that no one talks about because if they get delirious, they don't remember, or they don't notice cause they're home in bed, resting, but I keep finding myself in public, feverish (like, grocery-shopping & stuff...after a week straight of fever you have to go out for food & drink sometime) and it's kind of amusing, everything seems a bit unreal, and right now I want to giggle! (It's so much more amusing like this.) Or maybe it's a new defense mechanism... I just don't feel overwhelmed with stress anymore, just don't feel the stress. It still all seems crazy though. I lost an entire week in bed trying to get rid of this darn fever, slowly turning into a flesh and pink-dotted version of  a British dessert dish...And somehow I'm going to move this weekend (I think). Maybe I'm just okay because I have a plan now, or maybe I'm just too tired to care because I didn't realize that my nifty anti-oxidant acai-berry popsicles I've been slurping down to cool down give one energy and alertness one does not want at 4am when one wants to get up early...and I just need a nap. Ugh. Some new stranger is calling my phone and I don't want to get it, even though I swore I wouldn't miss another call because I really need to sell some of this stuff NOW...But I think I might get really, inappropriately giggly if I have to deal with another person who is very nice but wants my stuff for dirt-er cheap than I'm selling it...I swear, I'm not losing it. I'm just sleepy and feverish! (And spotty!)

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