Sunday, November 9, 2008

Cognitive Dysfunction in FM/CFS and MS: Similarities

The "Fog" is driving me insane lately! My brain often feels like a pretzel, I feel soo socially clumsy and tactless, and I keep forgetting to do important things...I get overwhelmed, just trying to make a decision if I have too many options, or trying to overcome an obstacle. Sometimes just too many noises at once overhwhelm me (like trying to watch TV with the fan on, I get all stressed out.) I feel like I have ADD sometimes too, so hard to focus. It's really tough on the phone, too, because I zone out, or think too slow, take too long to respond, and people on the other end get confused, I get flustered, and...ARGH! Talking on the phone has become the bane of my existence lately!
So I remembered the Doctor who was going to do the Neuropsych testing asking me if I was sure it was FM, if MS had been ruled out, and recalled that it was mentioned in one of the articles I posted, and decided to Google it. Interestingly enough, they did an amazing job of describing the Cognitive Dysfunction in MS, AND it sounds a LOT like what I deal with, so I decided to post it. Would love input on whether or not other people have similar problems to what is described in this article:

Cognitive Dysfunction as a Symptom of Multiple Sclerosis


  1. Oh my yes!

    I am a smart person (my but that sounds egotistical) and yet I am so very very flaky in the past decade. The more tired I am, the harder it is to retain information and/or to even process it in the first place.

    I've been particularly stressed lately and so my husband is having to repeat things more often (which just makes us even cuz he has ADD). More recently, when we're discussing abstract things, he has to repeat his idea a couple of times if it's at all spatial before I can actually get the images in my mind as to what the hell he's talking about. (Such as whether something would fit in a given space.)

    It's pretty awful because you know you're not a flake. You know you didn't used to be this forgetful. But I'm beginning to seriously consider a smartphone of my own if my mom decides to switch our cell plan provider. Then at least I could make lists all in one place, have an alarm go off about certain things and stop double-booking items. It's especially important because we use my mom's car and I can't remember her schedule from day to day!

    Oh and total aside here but since you're linking to books: Go to at the bottom of the page and click on the "affiliate" program link. Become an affiliate and then you can build a little webstore. Then if people buy the books you suggest (or any after clicking through your link) you'll get a small percent of the profit!

  2. Hey Abby! Thanks for the tip! I'd actually come realized that just a day or two before, about Amazon, & signed up.
    I'm in the same boat as you, totally thinking a smartphone will help, but it seems like all the smartphone's w/my cell phone company require an expensive Internet plan (because they get e-mail directly on the phone). Lame! But I desperately need something that'll be on me PC & phone. Oh well, we'll see! Thanks for checking out my blog! I really liked yours!


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