I was pleased to see this article on Candida, Gut Dysbiosis, & it's relationship with Endometriosis, because in my experience, there is definitely something to it. My Endo & IC are definitely tied to my stomach somehow...if one is acting up, you can bet the other will be too. If I eat junky foods, and my stomach ends up all swollen & distended (which it will, exaggeratedly so!) you can bet my IC pain will act up if I don't hurry up & manage the fallout. Similarly, when my IC or Endo are acting up, my stomach gets super-sensitive. I know this article is kind of structured as to advertise the Body Ecology Diet, but if things are really out of control, the diet is not a bad place to start! I still use what I learned from doing it for a year or so to help me keep my stomach issues from getting completely unmanageable, and to help keep pain from the other two conditions at bay, so I don't really have any qualms about posting it.
Candida & Endometriosis
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