Yesterday was tough. Back again to lying in bed, flat mostly (sitting, in bed or recliner even, still led to problems) but I made it. Had a hard time sleeping because I spent a couple of hours upright, and my heart wouldn't calm down/chest wouldn't relax, but finally got to sleep.
Had an ultrasound scheduled for today (to check and see if my Endometriosis was back or not so I could figure out what's hurting, my bladder or that) almost cancelled it yesterday, because I was scared to drive. (Actually was offered an appointment at a doctor I needed to see, but it's an hour a way, and there were just too many obstacles, including it being at 10am...yesterday I woke up groggy as heck after 11am, so attempting to drive myself that far, that early just seemed like setting myself up to get stressed and fail.) It was only 15-20 minutes away though, so I told myself it'd be I'd already cancelled yet ANOTHER appointment for something else, so...
Still, spent the morning stressed and anxious. I was hungry, but literally afraid to eat; yesterday a glass of protein powder w/water seemed to set the POTS off! I had to eat something, so I had at least that. Finally showered and went to my appointment, stopping first to get more bubble gum electrolyte replacement! Haha. Yummy stuff.
So anyways, I got there okay, found great parking (woo!) only thing that sucked was they wanted me to have my bladder full, then they made me wait, not a good thing if you have IC. I finally told them I HAD to go to the bathroom and they came out for my appointment. Fortunately, it wasn't too bad, best of all, I got to empty my bladder! Wooo!
No, but the actual test, I'm not too sure about that...I got the feeling there were some things of interest to the technician, and she asked me how long I'd been having pain, and said it was good I got it checked. I know they can't give diagnoses though, so I didn't even bother asking. (She had a heavily accented English that made it hard enough to understand what she was saying half the time anyhow, and our conversation was difficult enough, lol.) So she told me to check with my doctor tomorrow afternoon for the results. Oh jeez. There's so much wrong with me, I can't keep up. (An alternative healer told me to get my reproductive organs checked, and I made appointments, but one gets tired, of so many appointments, and maybe I was feeling a bit self-destructive.) Well, I guess I'll find out tomorrow. Maybe it's just new Endometriosis cysts or adhesions or whatever. Fun times. Well, at least this time, if I need surgery I won't have to go back to work one week later! Nah, don't think I'm that bad yet. Last time I was really miserable, I'd never had surgery in my life and I didn't care, I just wanted it fixed, ASAP. Oh well. Tomorrow: blood tests, yay. (Not! lol!)
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