Seriously. Yesterday, I just ended up sedating myself, I just couldn't take much more of those symptoms. Tight chest, heart palpitations (or something, because my pulse isn't even that high most of the time, higher than my normal, but nothing crazy, like other times) my feet were even going numb and pins & needle-y...lying down! (Usually only happens if I'm, say, sitting at the desktop pc). Another thing I've only had happen while sitting up and when really not well POTS-wise, my head started going cold, this feeling like someone is slowly pouring a thick, ice-cold liquid onto my scalp. I also kept getting cold. Then hot. Then cold. I couldn't even be on here long, it worsens things, even lying down, I have to be practically flat to not feel more miserable. So after attempting some meditation & watching a nice mellow movie, when I still felt miserable, I took a full mg of Xanax (yes, I know, majorly high dose! lol. What can I say, I know it has addictive potential and so I only ever take the minimum...if I didn't how could I still keep it at .25-.50mg all these years? I believe you can get it as high as 5mg pills so...) Thankfully, it did put me out for a bit. Imagine my surprise when I woke up and it was dark? (I'd slept in till after 1pm because I was up most the night trying to fall asleep with my heart pounding away, so really it wasn't more than 3-4 hours I was out.)
When I woke up, what a relief, my chest was relaxed and I felt so much lighter. Only lasted long enough for me to use the bathroom, and get some more broth to drink. (Not only do I not have any food left that doesn't require cooking, which I can't manage right now, but given my experience Saturday night, I really don't WANT to eat makes things so much worse, which is typical w/POTS, ugh.) On the bright side, I could stand to lose about 10 more lbs...
I did come up with an interesting idea, since holding the laptop close enough to type makes my chest feel more uncomfortable and makes me more tired, and keeping distracted is imperative, I decided to try the Speech Recognition Software that now comes standard on Windows PCs. Amazing stuff, but talking made me out of breath, and it requires some training. Did help when I put on a headset. Willing to try more of that later, as it could save my weak wrists & sore shoulders.
Not feeling to horrible now, though my numbing heels are getting annoying, but I'm guessing it's just a matter of time. Have doctor's appointment at a UC clinic tomorrow, was going to try & hold on till then, but I've decided if I get worse again, which I'm seeing is just a matter of time, I will make a trip down the street to the ER and see if I can convince them to give me an IV of saline...hopefully to help give me the strength to drive myself to my appointment tomorrow, and maybe even get them to do some bloodwork to take with me. My last tests showed some type of Anemia, possibly due to the anti-viral I've been taking, but it could be what's making the tachycardia not respond to the beta blockers as well. Ha, funny how I said the tachycardia I was getting used to several days back! I guess as long as it's alone, but not with all this stuff and HAVING to stay lying down! But yes, hoping all that would help make my case and convince them to get me some proper help. Especially since I'm not sure how sharp I'll be for my appointment...Guess I'd better start making lists. I've been taking a break from the job of professional patient, but I guess it's time to start punching the clock again. Alrighty. Maybe if I get off here my feet will reward me with ceasing to feel like they're being poked by electric needles! Ugh. I have to talk to my attorney today. What a pain. Hope I can remember the points I wanted to make, guess I'd better jot those down too.
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