A couple of weeks ago I ran out of Epivir. I made sure to taper off, as I knew I was running out and more wouldn't be available quickly. As I did, my energy, which has been wanting all year long, seemed to bounce back. Around the same time, I re-started a once daily 1/2 dose of Tramadol, which I'd previously used with success to get me going past the aches, stiffness, and sluggishness of an FM/CFS morning. I also began a supplement called Tre-en-en, as well as Methylcobalamin (an readily absorbable version of Vitamin B-12). I wasn't sure which of these was having the effect, or if it was simply the absence of the Epivir, but I now suspect the energy and stamina may be due in large part to the B-12. (I'm a lacto-ovo vegetarian of 10 years, and I've had a borderline anemic Iron level for quite awhile.)
Whatever it is, am I am infinitely grateful for the energy. The list of things that need to be done is endless and it gives me so much joy to accomplish so much, even if they are mainly little things, like phone calls, errands, and tidying up around the house. Accomplishment is a heady reward.
I am happy to report that my sleep is improving as well. I regularly fall asleep no later than 2:30am, and sometimes as early as 1:30am, a huge difference from my former 4-6am bedtime. Which means I'm waking up earlier too. I'm not exactly leaping out of bed, but I find myself going as soon as I get up much of the time, and able to keep it up for a bit...
Not sure if I had previously reported it, but I got scared off from the Tagamet experiment when I began to wake up groggy and spend the day extremely sleepy. (It knocked me out at night, also.) I've tried it again since I went off of Epivir, and found that it doesn't seem to have the same effect on my energy level and sleepiness. (Maybe makes me a little sleepy at night, and if today is any indication, tones down the energy, but nothing like before.)
Things are going better overall than they have in a long time, and I can almost say that I am ok, closer to actually brushing against happiness than I have been in a very long time. I have truly been blessed this year, with progress in my emotional and physical well-being and I'm starting to feel like a worthwhile person again; part of "the world" as I tend to think of it, rather than an outsider looking in...
To thank, I have my family, their love and generosity, and I like to think, maybe Reiki or the fates smiling upon me and mine, because all around me the wheels that were frozen for such a long time seem to be turning things in the right direction once again. It so lifts my spirits to see those around me moving onward and upwards...even the darn (i.e. beloved) cat is doing well...and I got a notice from the Disability people that they are requesting any further info, so I'm guessing they may be looking to finally move forward. Yup, there is much hope to be had these days and maybe soon, life can finally, truly, be continued...Wish me luck!
I'm wishing you luck! I'm glad things are looking up! Yeah!