Tuesday, August 11, 2009

12 More Pages: Great Dysautonomia Info on Facebook

Just wanted to quickly share the Facebook page of Tyler Gurney, which I have been finding very useful and enjoyable. It's always great to have a young person share their experiences with Chronic Illness, and he is doing a great job :)

Here is his website as well:



  1. Thanks for the shout out! You've got a really great blog with a ton of great information. Well done! If you could potentially make the link an actual cickable hyperlink I'd really appreciate it though. We are trying to get our website noticed on search engines and they really like when there are "links" to your webpage. Thanks again for the shoutout and hope you are feeling well!
    -Tyler Gurney

  2. Thanks Tyler! Definitely will do, just getting used to Blogger again and forgot it doesn't auto-create hyperlinks :)And thanks again for your great site & articles on Facebook! I've had symptoms of Dysautonomia for a few years now, and didn't understand until just recently that it wasn't just another weird symptom of CFS, but a whole separate condition. It has really helped to read about other people going through the same thing, to fear it less and help control it.


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