Well. It's been a bit of a tough week. I've been having the "faux flu", that is, I feel achy and weak and sick, like you do when you're about to get knocked down with a really bad flu, most days for the past week. Monday, it actually kept me in bed most of the day, and made me very nervous because I never know if it'll be hours, or days or weeks of being devoid of energy. But Tuesday rocked, I was feeling good and got plenty done, which always makes me VERY happy. Today, I'm feeling a bit iffy again, but determined to at least get out and make a go of celebrating and starting the New Year off right; last year I was too sick, even got all ready, then was too tired to do anything! And look how that turned out. No, not risking that again, lol. The spirits of the New Year must be appeased!
So in the spirit of the New Year, which I am very much looking forward to (funny, seems like a lot of people had a bad year, I keep hearing how glad people are this year's over, lol!)I thought I'd share my resolutions:
1. Get back to eating healthy. Get back on high protein, good carb diet, and add a variety of veggies. (Splurged on sweets for the holidays, ugh!)
2. Go to gym, lose 10 lbs, get muscles back in shape to prevent injury and pain.
3.Work on Healthy Boundaries, get my positivity back!
4. Begin Yoga practice again
5. Work on getting out more, meeting people locally.
6. Make some good girl friends around here.
7. Start dating again.
8. Stay on supplements/medications to promote healthy mood.
9. Get all tests done & medical care that will help SSDI case.
10. Get my first cavity filled, figure out a way to pay for non-silver amalgam filling.
11. Take good care of myself, and regain joie de vivre.
12. Begin writing again and make a habit of it.
13. Get organized, and stay organized. (Even though it's not the cure for Fibrofog, it sure helps.Less hassle in the long run too!)
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