Recently, as I may have mentioned, I had yet another round of blood tests done.
This time, the only abnormality was a new one: Low Carbon Dioxide.
"Seriously? I thought, Low Carbon Dioxide? What's that even supposed to mean?"
(Besides making me feel a little crazy, because if anything, I tend to feel like I'm not getting enough oxygen...actually, that's a huge one when I'm really run down, for example, the last times I worked. And it's being bugging me a little lately, I've been doing the sighing thing you'll read about below again lately.)
The doctor didn't even mention it, so I decided I'd Google it later to see if it mattered, or, if as happens often, it just slipped her mind. Well, it's been a crazy month, so it took awhile, kept slipping MY mind.
The other night I finally did, and was surprised to find these articles:
Hypocapnia (Low Carbon Dioxide in Blood)
and here's a second one:
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Causes & Treatments
and a third:
Chronic Hyperventilation Syndrome (apparently it's a real thing! Although like the author of the first link, who can bear another "syndrome" being added to their list?)
What amazes me, is that I'd never heard of this before! Especially since I tried to figure out what it was, but it seemed so bizarre, because I would feel like I was suffocating to the point where I thought I was forgetting to breathe, was yawning & sighing like crazy, and felt SO weak I actually looked up TB to check the symptoms of the infamous Consumption to make sure I didn't have it, because all I knew was I felt like I wasn't getting enough air, and like I was dying. I even begged my Dad to hook me up with an oxygen tank from his work! (He wouldn't/couldn't, but in his usual fashion, kept saying he'd look into it. While I sat around suffocating.) Some doctors would tell me it was asthma, and then I started going to the ER, and they would tell me my oxygen levels were great!(Asthma seems okay now that I take an anti-histamine daily, but the Hypocapnia still acts up.)
You'll have to see the links for the full articles, but here are some of the symptoms, and yes, they do echo those of POTS...
- shortness of breath for no apparent reason
- frequent sighing or yawning
- chest pains
- heart palpitations
- sweating
- syncope (fainting)
- dizziness
- trembling
- slurred speech
- cold, tingling, or numb lips or extremities
- nausea or irritable bowel syndrome
- aching muscles or joints, or tremors
- tiredness, unsteadiness, or diffuse weakness
- restless sleep, insomnia, or nightmares
- sexual problems
- anxiety or phobias
- fear that perhaps you're a hypochondriac
- dry mouth
- pressure in throat or difficulty swallowing
- bloating, belching, flatulence, or abdominal pain
- impaired memory or concentration
- confusion / disorientation
- tinnitis (ringing in ears)
- headaches
- blurred vision, tunnel vision, double vision, or flashing lights
- tachycardia (rapid pulse)
- depression
- erratic blood pressure
Hope you find it interesting. In other news, my day has been pretty miserable. Seems like I may have another or worsened my existing entrapped nerve. Hardcore weakness in my shoulders, my arms feel too heavy to be attached to them, all spazzy, weak, & uncomfortable. Been lying with my arms extended on pillows, Jesus-style, most of the day. Went to an eye exam and was told my corneas are not happy campers, felt okay for like 15 minutes, then had to rest on the way home. Tomorrow I'm supposed to go to L.A. for an H2O2 treatment...Hey, I guess it REALLY makes sense why the H2O2
made me feel so fabulous in the past...fingers crossed this goes better than the C or Myer's Cocktail or whatever I had last week... Well off to quit abusing my appendages, maybe meditate some and nap... Gotta build myself up for that drive, now that I think of the Hydrogen Peroxide as it relates to the Hypocapnia, I want it more than ever...So tired lately, can't seem to get enough rest, and there's so much to be done, haven't even begun to start having things packed...I'm dying to be out of my housing situation, but not dying to go give up the tranquility, foster kitties, & space here. Think good thoughts for me please...