Monday, January 23, 2012

Marshmallow root infusion pictures

Friday, January 13, 2012

Papaya Health Benefits and Papaya in Medicine, cancer and other diseases. Paw Paw fruit.

Ahh, enzymes. How I love thee. You help with my frequently upset tummy, alleviate my allergies/sinus congestion and keep my blood thin, break up nasty clots and help soothe inflammation. What more could I ask for? Apparently, now papaya enzymes (I usually keep a bottle of Trader Joe's Papaya Enzymes on hand, not as powerful as the ones used for systemic causes, but still helpful, and yummy too, with Bromelain from Pineapple as well) it's being used to help with the side-effects of cancer treatment.

Papaya Health Benefits and Papaya in Medicine, cancer and other diseases. Paw Paw fruit.